Episode Three
Type 4 and Type 5 in Relationship with Jim Brown and Wade RogersJim & Wade have been together for 4 1/2 years and will be getting married in April 2019. Wade is a CPA in Asheville North Carolina. He works exclusively with not-for-profit organizations, therefore avoids all questions on income taxes. Wade grew up in Orlando, Florida and has lived in Chicago, New York, and France prior to moving to Asheville. Jim is the Dean of Adult and Graduate Studies and Professor of Education at Mars Hill University, where he has worked for 18 years. Prior to coming to Asheville, he was an elementary and middle school teacher in Catawba and Durham Counties. Jim was a professional actor and singer, holds professional degrees in music and theatre, and currently serves as the president of the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre board of directors. Both Type 4 and Type 5 bring a richness of interests and depth of understanding, are analytical, introspective and sensitive. They both appreciate uniqueness and naturally search for deeper meanings. They also can become withdrawn and over-analytical and appear superior.