Season 5
Elder Wisdom with Billy VaughanReverend Billy Vaughn is a 4th generation United Methodist pastor who joined the faculty of Memphis Theological Seminary (MTS) in 2012. Prior to that he directed Formation for Ministry while on the staff of the Memphis School for Servant Leadership. He then went on to become co director of the Center for Faith and Imagination at MTS from which he recently retired.
He and his wife Joni live in a wonderfully diverse Memphis neighborhood where he is one of the founders of the community gardens. He and Joni met when they members of an intentional Christian community named Patchwork Central whose focus was on beloved community. Billy says, “Our lives, at least the ones to which we aspire these days, are focused on the intersection of faith, community and justice.” Billy understands his life as pilgrimage.
He was introduced to the Enneagram over 20 years ago by friends at the Church of the Savior in Washington, DC. These days Billy is figuring out how to live out his passion and call in the midst of these challenging times.