Episode 9
Spirituality of Type 8 with Amy GreeneRev. Amy Greene is the Director of Spiritual Care for the Cleveland Clinic, a large healthcare system with locations in several countries. She has a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary at Columbia in New York City and a Doctor of Ministry from Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. She has been a certified educator in the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education for 17 years, and is Chair-Elect of the Board of Directors for that organization. Amy “discovered” (i.e., was told by her entire peer group) that she was most like the Eight when first introduced to the Enneagram. At first dismayed, then resolved, then with acceptance, she began to claim her innate leadership gifts. She is married to Thomas Reuter, her best friend of 35 years, and they have two grown sons and a daughter-in-law. They also now have a puppy, Theo, who is teaching Amy to play more and not to bite.